• 締切済み


日本の短大(英文系)を卒業後、アメリカの大学に編入を考えています。 そこで、North Carolina agricultural and technical state university(黒人大学)に目処を付け ているのですが、そこは編入できる大学なのでしょうか? 実は今PCを使えない状態なので調べることができず、しかもPCがまだ使えていた時に学部や学費などのことしか調べておらず、ここに質問しました(>_<) どなたか分かる方、ご回答お願いします(>_<)汗


  • sporespore
  • ベストアンサー率30% (430/1408)

因みにe-mailもあります: uadmit@ncat.edu これがRequirementです。 All transfer students must submit the Transfer Clearance Form (TCF) with the appropriate section completed by an advisor at the current international students’ university. Copies of the current immigration documents (ex: current I-20/DS-2019, I-94 car, EAD, etc.) should be attached to the Transfer Clearance Form before submitting to the ISSO. Transfer applicants should also indicate on the front of the Transfer Clearance Form whether or not you intend to leave the United States before beginning studies at North Carolina A&T State University. If you are currently in F-1 or J-1 status at another university and plan to transfer to NCA&TSU without leaving the United States, complete your transfer process through ISSO within the first two weeks of the semester in which you enroll at NCA&TSU. This transfer process cannot take place until after classes begin. If you are in F-1 status and intend to leave the US and reenter from abroad before you begin your program at NCA&TSU, please contact the ISSO as soon as possible. You can use NCA&TSU’s I-20 when you reenter from abroad. J-1 students who wish to reenter the US from abroad should speak with an ISSO advisor. All transfer students are required to complete the Financial Guarantee Form as well.

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

    この大学の編入学の規定です。 Applying as a Transfer Student If you have already graduated from high school and earned course credit at another college or university, then follow our instructions for applying as a transfer student. If you are not a U.S. citizen, please see our instructions for applying as an international student.     と言うことですから下記に手紙で問い合わせるのが速いと思います。     1601 East Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411      お急ぎでしたら、下記が電話番号です。      (336) 334-7035

