I am not Japanese but my boyfriend is Japanese.
My former Japanese boyfriend told me everyday and many times in one day that [aishiteiru] , but I agree with the first opinion that saying everyday will make
me feel nothing and no-value.
Now my present boyfriend , he is opposite with the former one, he will not say anything about love (he said he shys), but sometimes I really would like to say
so i asked him straight and that time he will tell me.
I also agree with the first opinion that you can show your love / feeling by [homegotoba] or you can squeeze her hand to express your love.
You can show your love by take care her very well to make her know how she is importance for you ...
Try ... I belive she can feel your love without WORD.
ご回答ありがとうございます。 そうですよね。 毎日言われると飽きてきますよね(苦笑) でも、毎日好きな気持ちを伝えたい性分なので、 どういう風に伝えたら、相手も重くならないかなと 質問しました。褒めるにも具体的に言うことがポイントですよね。