マクロ IF分岐 結果がうまく表示されない
Sub test()
For nRow = 7 To 233
If Cells(nRow, 9).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 33 And Cells(nRow, 10).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 47 Then
Cells(nRow, 21) = "う"
ElseIf Cells(nRow, 10).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 33 And Cells(nRow, 9).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 47 Then
Cells(nRow, 21) = "う"
Cells(nRow, 21) = ""
End If
Next nRow
For nRow = 7 To 233
If Cells(nRow, 13).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 33 And Cells(nRow, 14).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 47 Then
Cells(nRow, 21) = "キ"
ElseIf Cells(nRow, 14).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 33 And Cells(nRow, 13).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 47 Then
Cells(nRow, 22) = "キ"
Cells(nRow, 22) = ""
End If
Next nRow
For nRow = 7 To 233
If Cells(nRow, 17).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 33 And Cells(nRow, 18).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 47 Then
Cells(nRow, 21) = "ち"
ElseIf Cells(nRow, 18).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 33 And Cells(nRow, 17).DisplayFormat.Font.ColorIndex = 47 Then
Cells(nRow, 23) = "ち"
Cells(nRow, 23) = ""
End If
Next nRow
End Sub
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