Apple Brief History Steve Wozniak (Woz) and Steve Jobs triggered the history of Apple when they started the Apple I computer in the Jobs family garage in Cupertino. They formed Apple Computer Inc. on April 1976. They had already sold 200 Apple I computers, mostly to hobbyist, when they managed to obtain venture capital.Jobs vision was to make the personal computer easy to use for nontechnical people. His stated vision through 1992 was “to change the world through technology.” The concept was one computer for every man,woman, and child. Jobs and Woz really started to change their company and the world in March 1977 when they announced the Apple Il.. Apple sold more than 100,000 Apple IIs by the end of 1980, generating over $100 million.” They mostly sold. into homes and schools, and the company was recognized as the industry leader.
The company went public in December 1980. In 1981, with IBM entering the personal computer market, Apple’s competitive position changed completely. Although App1e’s revenues continued to grow, market share and margins fell dramatically. Apple reacted to IBM threat through innovation, by launching the Lisa and Macintosh (Mac). These innovative computers featured a graphical interface and a windowing operation system that allowed the user to view and switch between several applications at once.
なるほど! 山登りというと体力の事しか連想しませんでしたが、荷物をコンパクトにまとめたり物を出し入れする為の工夫とかいろいろとコツがいりそうですもんね~。 荷造りが上手って本当に便利そうでいいですね。 回答をありがとうございました。