• 締切済み


 『CSI:ベガス』のシーズン4、第15話「盛者必衰」の原題「Early Rollout」はどういう意味ですか?


  • bossnass
  • ベストアンサー率44% (176/394)

早朝に発見された死体から事件捜査が始まります。 「Early Rollout」とは、直訳すれば「早い公開」。 つまり「朝早くから、ドラマの幕開け」という意味です。 そして、 物語中盤、休息室でブラス警部がサラに諭す場面。 ・・・・ Brass: How ya feelin'? Sara: Hey, what do you mean? Brass: Well, you were poppin' cough drops at the scene the other day a mile a minute. So... Sara: I thought I was comin' down with a cold. Brass: Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, I, uh, I understand colds (winks). You know, back in Jersey when I started gettin' it from both ends, my wife and my work and when things started gettin' heavy I started medicated (makes motion with his hand as if he's drinking) it killed my cold. And god forbid I had 『an early morning rollout』 and I had that tell tale breath, you know what I mean? So...I would dodge my soup and I started popping cough drops. Sara: Huh. Brass: I mean what I'm tryin' to say is that...there's more problems than answers in the bottom of a bottle, believe me. Sara: Yeah. (sighs) Actually I had a coupla beers at breakfest when I got off shift, and then I got called in. Brass: Just a couple? (Sara doesn't say anything) I'm just lookin' out for you.・・・・。 ブラス警部のセリフで『 』の部分と、先の「早い公開」と かけていると思われます。 二人の会話が何と日本語に訳されているか、 それは、直接本編にて確認してください。




