ボタン一個で多モード切り替えする懐中電灯でなんとなくはわかるんですが日本語で操作方法確認したいです よろしくお願いします
Advanced Operation and Configuration
Short click turns on the light to High. Short click again quickly to cycle from High to Medium, and Low.
Press and hold to cycle from Low to High, release to set. When press and hold, the light always cycle from Low to High regardless which level you are currently in.
Double click to toggle and select between the two sub-levels for that main level. Sub-level selections (except the strobe) for the 3 main levels are memorized after the light is turned off and through battery changes.
The second sub-level of the High can be configured after 6 double clicks. Double click (startng with the 7th) to cycle and select different brightness levels or strobes. Short click to turn off the light when finishing configurations. The selections for the second sub-level of the High are memorized after the light is turned off and through battery changes
回答頂きありがとうございます、 「200ルーメン以上」ですね、参考になります。 ただ中国製は信用ならないので、中国製以外を探します。