okiamok の回答履歴
- 翻訳をお願い致します。
Five years ago today, I had this ticket autographed by Simone Marie Butler, the female bassist of Primal Scream, after their Japanese tour date at Zepp Namba in Osaka, the city where I was born and raised.
- 英文翻訳をお願いします。
After a modest British advance, German counter-attacks recovered most of the ground lost opposite Passchendaele. There were 13,000 Allied casualties, including 2,735 New Zealanders, 845 of whom had been killed or lay wounded and stranded in the mud of no-man's-land. In lives lost in a day, this was the worst day in New Zealand history. At a conference on 13 October, Haig and the army commanders agreed that attacks would stop until the weather improved and roads could be extended, to carry more artillery and ammunition forward for better fire support. Action of 22 October 1917 On 22 October the 18th (Eastern) Division of XVIII Corps attacked the east end of Polecappelle as XIV Corps to the north attacked with the 34th Division between the Watervlietbeek and Broenbeek streams and the 35th Division northwards into Houthulst Forest. The attack was supported by a regiment of the French 1st Division on the left flank of the 35th Division and was intended to obstruct a possible German counter-attack on the left flank of the Canadian Corps as it attacked Passchendaele and the ridge. The artillery of the Second and Fifth armies conducted a bombardment to simulate a general attack as a deception. Poelcappelle was captured but the attack at the junction between the 34th and 35th divisions was repulsed. German counter-attacks pushed back the 35th Division in the centre but the French attack captured all its objectives. Attacking on ground cut up by bombardments and soaked by rain, the British had struggled to advance in places and lost the ability to move quickly to outflank pillboxes. The 35th Division infantry reached the fringes of Houthulst Forest but were pushed back in places after being outflanked. German counter-attacks made after 22 October were at an equal disadvantage and were costly failures. The German 4th Army was prevented from transferring troops away from the Fifth Army and from concentrating its artillery-fire on the Canadians as they prepared for the Second Battle of Passchendaele (26 October – 10 November 1917).
- 「能書き」どう訳しますか?
「能書き」とは、元々は薬の効能などを説明し書き記した「効能書き」から由来する。 医師から薬が処方され様々な効果・効能を説明されても、実際には効果がないことを捉え、その事を揶揄し意味が転じて、効果があると吹聴する事、口ばかりで実がないことを「能書きを並べる」などと記す。 「能書き」の意味合いを踏まえての訳が必要な時、「能書き」をどのように訳したら良いでしょうか?似たような意味を持った一つの単語とかってありますか?
- 解き方のヒントください
数列{an}は次の条件を満たしているとする。 a1=2、3n+a(n+1)=(n+1)an (n=1,2,3・・・・) (1)bn=an/nとおいて{bn}の漸化式を導き、一般項bnを求めよ。 (2)数列{an}の一般項anを求めよ。 (3)Σ(k=1からnまで) (a(k+1)-1/3ak)を求めよ。 ちなみに、解いた限りでは (1)bn=2(1/3)^(n-1) (2)an=2n(1/3)^(n-1) となりました。 (3)は(2)で求めた式を代入して解いてみたのですが、計算力がなくて Σ(k=1からnまで) {(2k+2)(1/3)^k}-2/3Σ(k=1からnまで) k(1/3)^(k-1) から計算ができません・・・。 そもそも(1)からあっているのかも怪しくて・・・。 とりあえず、(3)の計算の仕方を教えてもらいたいです。よろしくおねがいします。
- 不等式について、何故逆になるのか
a<bの時の大小関係です。 4a,4bでは<のままなのはわかるのですが -6a,-6bなどでは>と逆に表わされるのは何故なんでしょうか? -3y>30 これの解が逆になるのもわかりません。 しっくりこなくて困っています。 どのように理解すればいいでしょうか???