NissanMoko の回答履歴
- 持てない者はさらけ出し、持てる者は一角しか見せない
持てない者はさらけ出し、持てる者は一角しか見せないのは世の習い。 これに似た英語の名言や諺ありますか?
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- yakkamireader
- 回答数4
- 引用とモンテーニュ
下の英文を「引用とモンテーニュ」という見出しで収納したいのですが、「引用」にあたるquotationは複数形の方がいいでしょうか。 There were frequent passages of commentary in the Essays, and hundreds of quotations from authors who Montaigne felt had captured points more elegantly and more acutely than he was able to. He quoted Plato 128 times, Lucretius 149 and Seneca 130. It is tempting to quote authors when they express our very own thoughts but with a clarity and psychological accuracy we cannot match. They know us better than we know ourselves. What is shy and confused in us is succinctly and elegantly phrased in them, our pencil lines and annotations in the margins of their books and our borrowings from them indicating where we find a piece of ourselves, a sentence or two built of the very substance of which our own minds are made... ... * Alain de Botton, The Consolations of Philosophy
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- yakkamireader
- 回答数1
- 言い得て、妙!
漢詩の解釈について質問です。 躊躇弔古入深叢 衰草迷離戦野風 雲表曾開楼鬱鬱 劫餘渾付麦芃芃 苔封旧瓦鴛翎碧 雨灑残花鶯涙紅 落日烟鐘何処寺 千年往事一声中 最後の「千年の往事一声の中」というような含みのある言葉を解釈し、鑑賞するのも理科の味わいでしょうか?
- 締切済み
- 日本語・現代文・国語
- awaumi-shiga
- 回答数1