こんばんは alterd様 Full throttle his highness mt mh様 ade-marc様
おぉこの勢ひで猫媛様のぉひげに美々っとlove to see her highness!
さて風呂から出て來て…ゃけに ふゃけとると想ったら二日も…
Rio - Fly love (by Jamie Foxx: 黄色い ちっこい鳥)
Wasn't really thinking, wasn't looking, wasn't searching for an answer,
in the moonlight, when I saw your face,
saw you looking at me, saw you peeking out from under moon beams,
through the palm trees, swaying in the breeze,
I know, I'm feeling so much more than ever before,
and so, I'm giving more to you, than I though I could do
Don't know how it happened, don't know why, but you don't really need
a reason, when the stars shine, just to fall in love,
made to love each other, made to be together, for a life time,
in the sunshine, flying in the sky,
I know, I'm feeling so much more than ever before,
and so, I'm giving more to you than I thought I could do,
now I know love is real, so when sky high, as the angels try,
letting you and I, fly love
(http://rio.wikia.com/wiki/Fly_Love)なかなか よい歌詞…
求愛 dancers 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTcfDCjBqV0
2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2c8IhVRlvo
alterd様の love dancer リハ後 掃除~アプローチ(これ 忘れてた!…凄…)
掃除~本リハ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTmHtxJpEWE
アプローチで out…(やつがれの好きな応援団長と同じく…やり過ぎか…)
次も 赤い実探しに出た隙に お気に入りの雑巾 持ってかれ…
若いのを雌と見誤り? 技を披露する黒ニワシドリ…激おこ若の巣ぶっ壊す…
赤黄ニワシドリ…ちゃんとした雌が來…片瞳を縮め カムチャッカ…
Bowerbirds - Hush
There is a pull between our hearts, love, there is an empty open mind,
in the flock of swallows, diving, diving and turning, diving and turning
I feel the pull between our hearts, love, I feel the empty open mind,
in the flock of swallows diving, diving and turning, diving and turning
すずちゃん https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwzLmFkh28c
小石(pebble)ちゃん https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hto_uvmLq-8
Claudio Monteverdi - Amor (Lamento della Ninfa より)
(by Jordi Savall with his Hespèrion XX)
Love, (she said) love, (gazing at the sky, standing still,) love,
where is the troth, that the traitor vowed? (unhappy one)
Make him return to my love, as he once was, or else kill me,
so I can no longer torment myself.
(the poor girl, ah no more, no, can she suffer so much ice.)
I no longer want him to breathe, unless far from me so that he can no longer
say the things that torture me, (ah, the poor girl, ah no more, no, no)
because I destroy myself for him, so full of pride as he is;
but if I flee from him, again he entraits me.
(the poor girl, ah no more, no, can she suffer so much ice)
A more serene eyebrow has she than mine,
but love has not planted in his breast so fair a faith.
(the poor girl, ah no more, no, can she suffer so much ice)
Not ever such sweet kisses will he have from that mouth,
not softer, a quiet, quiet, he knows it only too well. (The poor girl)
Dido - My lover's gone
My lover has gone, his boots no longer by my door, he left at dawn,
and as I slept I felt him go, returns no more, I will not watch the ocean
My lover's gone, no earthly ships will ever bring him home again,
bring him home again
My lover's gone, I know that kiss will be my last, no more his song,
the tune upon his lips has passed, I sing alone, while I watch the ocean
My lover's gone, no earthly ships will ever, bring him home again,
bring him home again
My lover's gone, his boots no longer by my door, he left at dawn,
and as I slept I felt him go, returns no more, I will not watch the ocean
My lover's gone, no earthly ships will ever bring him home again,
bring him home again
いつも まことに ありがとうございます おやすみなさい
John A. Grimshaw - Dido
どうもです (^ ^) >華麗に行くわよ! (ノ_ _)ノ こけっ ノリツッコミですね (^ ^) >ルパン三世 愛のテーマ これは知りませんでした。 ハーモニカが良い感じです。 >ゴッドファーザー Love theme ああ。泣きそう。 何故か正月になると観たくなります。 >愛のテーマ カラベリ・グランド・オーケストラ このストリングスの華麗さ。 管楽器の余裕。 チャカポコギターも効いてます。 >帰ってきたらいつも夜です(^^; 一日ってすぎるのが早いわね! moyoさんの人生、充実しまくってますね。 ではまた L(^ ^)