Well, I bet you wouldn't really like me with long hair (^~^);
Yes, he is mostly known by his mullet. w
Mullet were popular in Brazil during the 1980s and in the 1990s
As far as I know, nowadays only people from Argentina and USA truck drivers does use mullets. ww
Someday you can see them directly (^-^)
I would like to see your cute face personally too!
I wish it can happen soon.
Yeah, it is a bit far from areas that can be affected by flooding.
It depends on the luck, but I still haven't see myself any fish www
Yeah, it's indeed sad.
But people now are used to the flooding.
You might really have superpowers. w
Since it started to rain again after I saw your message. ww
But the rain was short now (^^)
I don't like the sound of thunder (>_<)
But I bet you will love them here in Sao Paulo~
They're really frequent. w
But still, it's really an interesting fact.
Monkeys do have a pretty luxurious life there in Japan ww
Maybe yes. w
It will be nice to see her on a UFO cutely like that~
Honestly, I hadn't the luck on seeing one.
But I heard some histories about UFOs here in Brazil.
There's even a city famed for one UFO history in 1996 :3
I think I heard the name "ume" once, but I never knew it's meaning.
That's really nice! The beautiful moment of the plum blossoms! :3
Does Oita have tons of cherry blossoms and plum blossoms in spring?
こんにちは。 >中古で15000円、新品なら30000円の値段 マ、マジすか? こんな質問しておきながらなんですが、 私は買ってないんですよね(笑) 普段はYouTubeで観てますww https://youtu.be/nrmbApTFPIw >1 好きな曲 >本当はCrash ComplexionかImagine Heroes また渋い曲が好きなんですねぇ。 >DVDの中では、恋をとめないで あ~分かります!私もこのLIVEでは「After The Rain」が一番って感じです。 「恋をとめないで」の盛り上がりハンパないっすよね♪ 私も、ほろ酔い気分で聴いたときはパソコンの前で人差し指を突き上げてますww https://youtu.be/42W-8Xop91U >2 好きなイントロ >Pretty Dollのズダダダ あははwめっさ分かる!最強にかっちょいいッス!! >今回に限っては、やっぱりBe My Baby やっぱそうっスよねぇ。やっぱ私もこっちにします!w 二人が近づいてステージ真ん中でガッチリ握手する瞬間は、初めて見たときトリハダがたちました! https://youtu.be/7XRbhGEHGSc >3 間奏 >Good Savageも確かにいい ですよね~♪布袋のアコギから二人向き合ってのセッション、 ファンからしたら、なんちゅー贅沢な間奏やねんってw >After The Rain 素晴らしい! 私はあんま音楽に詳しくないので、泣きのギターってのもよく分かってないんですが、素人目に見ても最高です! ラストの方もいいですよね。 最後、吉川が深々と頭を下げて、布袋とアイコンタクトして曲が終わる・・・ 何度視聴しても、何とも言えない余韻に浸ってしまいます。 https://youtu.be/xeX8Doirrn8 回答ありがとうございました。