Option Compare Nocase
Option Declare
Const MB_YESNO = 4
Const IDYES = 6
Dim session As NotesSession
Dim workspace As NotesUIWorkspace
Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim TCPIP_Port As String
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim servername As String
Dim IPAddress2 As String
Dim PartitionCode As String
Dim DirectoryName As String
On Error Goto errorHandler
Set session = New NotesSession
Set workspace = New NotesUIWorkspace
Set db = New NotesDatabase("", "names")
Set view = db.GetView("Connections")
' Customize by setting the values below
' Usually the directory name uses the Partition Code as part of its structure
servername = "ここにドミノサーバー名を入れる"
IPAddress2 = "ここにドミノサーバーのipアドレスもしくはホスト名を入れる"
DirectoryName = ""
' End of customization section
Call createOrUpdateConDoc(servername, IPAddress2)
Print "処理完了 !"
Exit Sub
Messagebox "Error in Click event " & Err() & ": " & Error()
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub addNewConDoc(dest As String, address As String)
On Error Goto errorHandler
If Messagebox(" " & dest & " の接続文書を新たに作成します。 " _
"Create a Server Connection Document") <> IDYES Then Exit Sub
Print "Creating a Server Connection document for " & dest & " at " & address " in your NAMES.NSF file."
Set uidoc = workspace.ComposeDocument("", "names", "local")
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("ConnectionType","0") 'Set for Lan connection
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("Destination",dest) 'Set destination
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("OptionalNetworkAddress",address) 'Set address
If TCPIP_Port = "" Then Call findTCPIP_Port 'Find the first enabled TCPIP port and use it for the port
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("LanPortName",TCPIP_Port)
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("ConnectionRecordFirst", "1") 'Set usage priority
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("ConnectionLocation","*") 'Set Location
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("Source", session.UserName) 'Set only for this user
Call uidoc.FieldSetText("Comments", "スクリプトにより自動作成しました。") 'Just so the user knows where it came from
Call uidoc.Save
Call uidoc.Close
Exit Sub
Messagebox "Error in addNewConDoc " & Err() & ": " & Error()
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub createOrUpdateConDoc(dest As String, address As String)
On Error Goto errorHandler
Print "Looking for a Server Connection document for " & dest & " in your Address Book"
Set doc = view.GetDocumentByKey(dest) 'Lookup by the server name
If doc Is Nothing Then
Call addNewConDoc(dest, address) 'Not found, so add it
Else ' Otherwise, update it
If(doc.Remove(True)=True) Then
Call addNewConDoc(dest,address)
Messagebox("古い文書を削除できませんでした。" & dest & " を手動で削除してからもう一度ボタンを押してください。")
End If
End If
Exit Sub
Messagebox "Error in createOrUpdateConDoc " & Err() & ": " & Error()
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub updateConDoc (dest As String, address As String)
If Messagebox("A Server Connection document for " & dest & " was found in your Address Book. " _
& "Do you wish me to update it?", MB_YESNO + MB_ICONQUESTION, _
"Update a Server Connection Document") <> IDYES Then Exit Sub
Print "Updating a Server Connection document for " & dest & " at " & address " in your NAMES.NSF file."
doc.Comments = doc.Comments & Chr(10) & " Updated by program. Old Destination server address was " & doc.OptionalNetworkAddress(0)
doc.OptionalNetworkAddress = address
doc.PhoneNumber = address
'For this version, update the port name also
If TCPIP_Port = "" Then Call findTCPIP_Port 'Find the first enabled TCPIP port and use it for the port
doc.LanPortName = TCPIP_Port
doc.PortName = TCPIP_Port
Call doc.save(False, True, False)
End Sub
Sub findTCPIP_Port
'Look for a TCPIP port that is enabled
On Error Goto errorHandler
Dim ports As String
Dim aport As String
Dim portstring As String
Dim wordstart As Integer
Dim wordlen As Integer
Dim wordstop As Integer
ports = session.GetEnvironmentString("Ports", True) 'Get a list of enabled ports
wordstart = 1
wordstop = Instr(wordstart, ports, ",") 'Look for the common delimited words
wordlen = wordstop - wordstart
If wordlen <= 0 Then
aport = Trim(Mid(ports, wordstart)) 'Word goes to end of string
aport = Trim(Mid(ports, wordstart, wordlen)) 'Word in the midst of the string
End If
wordstart = wordstop+1
portstring = session.GetEnvironmentString(aport, True) 'Get the information on the port in question
If Left(portstring,3) = "TCP" Then 'Driver name is first three characters. Is it the TCPIP driver?
TCPIP_Port = aport
Exit Sub
End If
Loop Until wordlen <= 0
TCPIP_Port = "TCP" 'Use the driver name. This seems to work.
Exit Sub
Messagebox "Error in findTCPIP_Port " & Err() & ": " & Error()
Exit Sub
End Sub
joker1969さん、ご回答ありがとうございます。 不勉強で申し訳ないのですが、ご回答いただいた内容でわからない部分があります。 >ボタンを作成して →[作成]-[ホットスポット]-[ボタン]でボタンを作成、でよろしいでしょうか。 >その中に記述してください。 >(Options)には以下を記述。 >(Declarations)には以下を記述。 →記述方法を教えていただけますでしょうか。