Sub NEM_Macroループ()
' フォント変更、記号変換、テキストボックス、全シート
Dim myFile As String
Dim myPath As String
Dim myBook As Workbook
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
Dim myRange As Range
Dim cell
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
myPath = "C:\Users\N000000\Desktop\NEM_macro"
myFile = Dir(myPath & "\*.xlsx")
Do While myFile <> ""
Set myBook = Workbooks.Open(myPath & "\" & myFile)
For Each mySheet In myBook.Sheets
Set myRange = mySheet.UsedRange
For Each cell In myRange
With Selection.Font
.Name = "MS Pゴシック"
.Name = "Arial"
End With
Selection.Replace What:="、", Replacement:=","
Selection.Replace What:="※", Replacement:="*"
Selection.Replace What:="①", Replacement:="(1)"
Selection.Replace What:="②", Replacement:="(2)"
Selection.Replace What:="③", Replacement:="(3)"
Selection.Replace What:="④", Replacement:="(4)"
Selection.Replace What:="⑤", Replacement:="(5)"
Selection.Replace What:="⑥", Replacement:="(6)"
Selection.Replace What:="⑦", Replacement:="(7)"
Selection.Replace What:="⑧", Replacement:="(8)"
Selection.Replace What:="⑨", Replacement:="(9)"
Selection.Replace What:="⑩", Replacement:="(10)"
Dim セル As Range
Dim 変換文字 As String
Dim 半角 As String
Dim i As Long
For Each セル In Selection
変換文字 = StrConv(セル.Text, vbWide)
For i = 1 To Len(変換文字)
半角 = StrConv(Mid(変換文字, i, 1), vbNarrow)
If Asc(半角) >= 32 And Asc(半角) <= 126 Then _
変換文字 = WorksheetFunction.Replace(変換文字, i, 1, 半角)
Next i
セル = 変換文字
Dim mySPg As Shape
For Each mySPg In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If mySPg.Type = msoGroup Then
End If
Next mySPg
Dim mySP As Shape
For Each mySP In ActiveSheet.Shapes
If mySP.Type = msoTextBox Then
mySP.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "MS Pゴシック"
mySP.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.NameFarEast = "Arial"
End If
Next mySP
Dim 年月
Dim ThisName, NewName
Dim MojiCoA As Integer, MojiCoB As Integer
年月 = Year(Date) & "_" & Month(Date)
MojiCoA = InStrRev(ActiveWorkbook.Name, ".")
ThisName = Left(ActiveWorkbook.Name, MojiCoA - 1)
NewName = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & ThisName & 年月 & ".xlsx"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=NewName
myFile = Dir()
End Sub
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