marthaa の回答履歴
- NASAのHPの記述です
The key issue the researchers investigated was when the microbe was grown on arsenic did the arsenic actually became incorporated into the organisms' vital biochemical machinery, such as DNA, proteins and the cell membranes. この文中のdidの働きがよくわかりません。 どなたか教えて下さい。 お願いします。
- 和訳を教えてください!!
英語の教科書"MAINSTREAMII"のlesson7のSilent Springの和訳がわかりません。和訳が載っているサイトでもいいので教えてください!
- 和訳してください。
The term spike refers to the shape of the peaks that are seen on the oscillograph records when the membrane potential is measured by a fine electrode placed in the vicinity, or in the interior of the neuron. (The more interpretable records of the membrane potential are obtained by means of one electrode inside the cell and one outside, which may be placed at some distance and is then called “indifferent electrode”.) この文章の和訳お願いします。
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ryunan_198
- 回答数2
- 英訳です。教えてください。
The small star-shaped glia cells are scattered among the neurons more or less in the same manner throughout the nervous system; if one were to look only at them, forgetting the nerve cells, a much more uniform description of the different parts of the nervous system would be obtained than one based on a description of the neurons. If the aim is to relate different structures to different tasks, one is certainly better off concentrating on the neurons.
- ベストアンサー
- 英語
- ryunan_198
- 回答数3