goositumonn の回答履歴

  • 英訳をお願いします

    以下の文章の英訳をお願いします。認知心理学に関する論文です。 functional comparison of involuntary and voluntary remembering. Functional accounts of autobiographical memory have postulated three separate purposes for this memory system: directive (helping to guide future behavior), social (enhancing social cohesion among individuals), and self function (helping to facilitate and maintain conceptualizations of the self). White there has been little work done in the area of function with involuntary memories, one study has suggested that they may have functions which in many ways overlap with these three functions. It makes sense that involuntary remembering and voluntary remembering would have the same or overlapping functions, as both should be serving the larger purposes of autobiographical memory . However, involuntary remembering may have unique functions that voluntary remembering could not logically have. Involuntary memory chaining, which results from voluntary memories, is a good case in point. Mace demonstrated that involuntary memory chains resulted from memories produced voluntarily on an autobiographical memory task. As virtually all of these memories were related to the targets of voluntary recall, Mace argued that involuntary memory chaining may naturally be functional to voluntary recall, as chaining appears to be expanding the process of remembering by bringing memories to mind that had some relationship with the targets of recall. Another special function of involuntary remembering may occur when involuntary memories experienced in everyday life cause one to engage in voluntary recall. That is, frequently the experience of an involuntary memory may cause one to engage in the voluntary remembering process by elaborating further on a memory in potentially all sorts of way. In this regard, involuntary remembering could be seen as serving the purpose of jump starting the voluntary remembering process, prompting one to think more about a particular situation or remember more about a particular past event. In a more traditional sense, one could look at involuntary memories as early warning devices that on occasion may signal a potential danger.

  • デュエルマスターズ デッキ


  • youtubeについて

    今年の10月に違法ダウンロード刑罰化? というのができたと思いますがこれはyoutubeのダウンロードも 禁止と言う事なんですか? 例えばyoutubeにあるライブ映像などをダウンロードして DVDに焼き車で見るのは違法なのでしょうか? craving explorerというソフトも使用禁止なのでしょうか?

    • aa00aa
    • 回答数1
  • ネットから音楽の購入の仕方

    カラオケ教室に通って楽しんでいます。 ネットから音楽を購入したいと思います。演歌を配信しているサイトを教えていただけると 助かります。お願いいたします。

    • kazegoo
    • 回答数1
  • ウオークマンF800について

    新発売のウオークマンF800の購入を考えていますが、 イヤーフォンを通常のものにするか、Bluetoothのワイヤレスにするか、迷っています。 音質などを比較すると、差異はあるのでしょうか? 実際に使って見られた方がみえましたら、ご意見をお願いいたします。

  • 4万1400ヘクタール

    中国の台風災害で農地の被害面積が 4万1400ヘクタールとYahooニュースに出てましたが、 この広さは、日本でいえば、 どの辺りに各当しますか? 広さがピンと来ません。