melody-ai の回答履歴

  • 英語の可愛い、かっこいい恋の言葉教えてください!

    庭でハートの石をみつけて、写真に撮ったんですけど、今、その写真に入れる文字を考えてて、英語でないかなーって。 かわいい告白台詞とか、そんなのがいいなーっておもってます。 短文がいいかな。 いろいろあってすみません! よろしくお願いします!

  • サン宝石の商品について__________毛トール

    サンホの商品についてききます サン宝石の毛トール、ありますよね それの効果ってどんなもんなんですか? 使ったことのある方、色々詳しく教えてください 宜しくお願いします! (※長文だと嬉しいです)

    • noname#219289
    • 回答数2
  • 西野カナの曲、これだけしっときゃとりあえずOK☆

    西野カナの曲、これだけしっときゃとりあえずOK☆  な曲を教えてください! 8月に私の地元で行われる西野カナのライブに初めて行くんですが… 知らない曲が多い(と思う)ので、タイトル通りの曲を教えていただきたいです!

  • キャラクターの名前をお願いします


    • y-m11
    • 回答数4
  • 和訳

    先程の続きです。 自分で訳してみたのですが意味が通りません。 長文で申し訳ありませんが、どなたかよろしくお願いします。 Leaving the surface of the statue wrinkled and rippled, though, gives the statue an effect it would not have if it were smooth. Imagine a calm pool of water. Not a breeze stirs. The surface of the pool is as flat as a mirror. Now imagine that wind stirs up the surface of the water. There are ripples and waves everywhere you look. Which image of the pool gives the impression that something is happening? The Thinker shows a man in a still, quiet position, but because the ゛skin" of the figure shows so much movement, we get the feeling there's a lot happening here. The rippled surface of The Thinker adds to the impression that the man must be thinking and feeling a great deal. In this way, Rodin was able to express more than his subject matter alone could show. Although Rodin's works were criticized when he first began working, as time went on French people began to like his statues very much. Finally the French govnrnment gave him a great honor. At a large international art show sponsored by the French govnrnment, Rodin's works were set apart from all the others and shown in their own large room. Since then, Rodin's style has had a great influence on sculptors.

    • noname#149526
    • 回答数1
  • 翻訳お願いします

    “Reducing wait time is important for the time consuming process of staining. On the exterior, toners are always appreciated with solid and semi-transparent wood tones dominating decks, fences and furniture while the ability to customize is critical for siding. Reducing maintenance, whether it be traffic durability, color retention or coating life, people want to appreciate wood longer between maintenance cycles.” 宜しくお願いします。