nnddaa の回答履歴

  • Internal Revenue Service IRS. gov(アメリカ国税局) からFAXが来ました

    突然、自宅(日本)にこの英文FAXがきました。心当たりがなく戸惑っています。少し訳したのですがよくわかりません。正しい訳を知りたいと思います。長い文なので、最初と最後の部分だけタイピングします。 Dear Sir. Our records indicate that you are a non-resident alien. As a result, you are exempted from United States of America Tax reporting and withholdings, on interest paid you on your account and other financial dealing to protect your exemption from tax on your account and other financial benefit in rectifying your exemption status. Therefore, you are to authenticate the following by completing form W-8BEN,and return to us as soon as possible through the fax number:+1-202-354-4867 ..... We appreciate your cooperation in helping us protect your exempt status and also update our records.    よろしくお願いします。