yossitattu の回答履歴

  • 英語のメール内容の翻訳をお願いします。

    ロシアの子(高校生)と英語を使用してメールをしているのですが、スラング(?)もちらほらあって、なかなか訳せません・・・ 自分なりに訳してみたものの、自信がないので訳をお願いします。 Imma okay,exam was OK,it isn't hard fo' me,but i still don't know what my mark is x) If it's 4 or 5(We have 1 2 3 4 5 mark scale,1-the worst,5-the best) i'll be happy so fucking much xD Wahh,you're happy!We have our last vacantions in winter(30 december-12 January) Now we're study :X I'm not bad @ school but it's boring sometimes... Yeah,i watch it!Japan not so bad!Russians in Canada aren't ready i guess.they're terrible :( Yeah,they make us angry X_X Noo,your town famous by Toyota and Mitsubishi motors factory like i know :P we're party right now i drunk a lot so i don't know what i'm writing now %) i like sakura photos it's bso beauty ^_^ Yeah it's Olympic city 2014 (: You're great,Saki!<3 wait fo' u 一応、私が送った文章です。(省略しています、あと文章に自信はないです;;) We are spring vacations now ^o^ I watching the Olympics on TV recently. Are you watching it? :) My favorite player was not good at condition, So I getting a severe shock!!! >_< Wow! it' great!!! My town is not famous very much! :0 But I hope spring comes soon! Because I want to show you the Japanese cherry blossoms ;) Good luck with your national exam! xD I know Sochi!! x) The Olympics will be held in four years, isn't there? Always thank you for the nice letter and phots! 訳をよろしくお願いします!