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British and French Plans for 1917: Broadening the Front of Attack

  • British and French plans for 1917 aimed to broaden the front of attack, from the Somme to Arras and the Oise.
  • They expected to have 168 divisions against 129 German divisions for the coordinated offensives.
  • A British operation in Flanders was also agreed to begin several weeks after the main offensives.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10004/12512)

>British and French plans for 1917 were agreed at an Allied conference at Chantilly from 15–16 November 1916. Existing operations were to continue over the winter, fresh troops arriving in front-line units were to be trained and in the spring the front of attack was to be broadened, from the Somme to Arras and the Oise. ⇒英仏軍の1917年向けの計画が、1916年11月15–16日にシャンティイにおける連合国軍会議で同意された。既存の作戦行動は冬を通して続け、最前線の部門に来る新しい軍隊は(再)訓練して、春に攻撃の前線をソンムからアラスとオアーズまで広げることとした。 >The front of attack was to be about 50 miles (80 km) long, with two French surprise attacks near Rheims and in Alsace, to begin some time after the main attacks, to exploit German disorganisation and lack of reserves. The Allies expected to have 168 divisions against 129 German divisions, for the co-ordinated offensives. A British operation in Flanders was also agreed, to begin several weeks after the main offensives further south. ⇒攻撃前線は、長さおよそ50マイル(80km)内として、ライムス付近やアルザスでフランス軍が2つの急襲をしかけて、主要攻撃の後しばらくしたらドイツ軍の混乱と予備軍の不足につけ入ることとした。ドイツ軍の129個師団に対して、連合国軍は協調攻撃用として168個師団を保有すると想定していた。さらにまた、主要攻撃の数週間後に、英国軍がもっと南のフランドルで(攻撃を)開始するための同意もなされた。



