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Intense Bombardment and Counter-attack: The Battle of Pozières
- The Battle of Pozières saw intense bombardment and a German counter-attack.
- The German IV Corps concentrated their artillery against the village.
- The western approach to the village became known as 'Dead Man's Road' due to heavy shellfire.
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- 専門家の回答
>With British activity now declining elsewhere on its front, the German IV Corps opposite Pozières, was able to concentrate most of its artillery against the village and its approaches. Initially the bombardment was methodical and relentless without being intense. ⇒今や英国の作戦行動は前線上の他のところへ逸れつつあるので、ポジェールに向かうドイツ軍の第IV軍団としては、村とその出入り口に砲撃の大部分を集中することができた。当初の爆撃は、激しくもなく秩序立っていたが、それでいて間断なく行われた。 >The western approach to the village, which led from Casualty Corner near the head of Sausage Valley, received such a concentration of shellfire that it was thereafter known as "Dead Man's Road". The German bombardment intensified on 25 July, in preparation for another counter-attack. ⇒村への西道、それはソーセージ・バレーの先端近くでカジュアルティー・コーナー(犠牲者の一角)に通じていたが、それが後に「死人の道」として知られたように、集中砲火の攻撃を受けた。もう一つの反撃に備えて、ドイツの爆撃は7月25日に強まった。