• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文和訳 大学入試)

The Concerns of a Man: Communication and Division

  • A man finds himself worried as his world becomes divided on various issues, making communication and discourse seemingly impossible.
  • He had always believed in the power of letters, books, conversation, and teaching for communication, but now he feels that his beliefs are being challenged.
  • The divisions in his world include religion, governance, and even scholarship, causing him great concern.


  • ベストアンサー

all of his life で「彼の生涯ずっと」で副詞的に使えます。 because 節は (all of his life) は副詞的に先頭にきて, he believed in ~が SV です。 彼の生涯ずっと,彼は手紙や本を通じてのコミュニケーション,会話,教育を信条としてきたのだが, 今や,彼の世界が,宗教支配やさらには学問のような問題に関して分割, いかなる話し合いも不可能なほど分割されてしまったので,苦悩していた。
