Dry land was nowhere tilled, and there were no working livestock. Use of herbicides to reduce labor time spent on weeding has become widespread since the 1970s, although there has been limited adoption of chemical fertilizer.
Except for one of Padoch’s groups who farmed a lowland area, all worked uplands with little flat land, sometimes none, within forests of very high biodiversity.
All cleared fields in secondary forest of different ages as well as in old forest (also called primary forest or primeval forest in much of the literature, although it may not always be so); some groups worked only secondary forest and none worked only old forest.
All these people lived, or had earlier lived, in longhouses in which the apartment of each family (nuclear or extended) opened onto a common veranda; all managed their farming as families, not as corporate groups; and although there was much joint work, no farms were owned or worked by groups.
For convenience of joint work and protection of crops from wildlife, Borneo families in all areas commonly made fields closely at once; decisions on what type of land to cultivate therefore were made by agreement among a group of households.
All groups recounted a history that included voluntary and enforced migrations, wars, and epidemic disease, leading to major fluctuations in the population of any given area, especially since 1800. This continued until very recent times, including the 1980s and 1990s among the East Kalimantan Kenyah described by Colfer, Peluso, and Chin.
Spiritual and magical beliefs governing farming activity had much in common, and where they seem to be of little modern importance, they were much more central in a recent past; even in areas where people have fully converted to Christianity, spiritual beliefs have not died.