・I feel almost a sense of paternal love for younger people, especially students. I can't easily explain this, but I sensed in you a seriousness and sensitivity of a much older person (even though you are young and of course, very beautiful:) and also, an attraction and your character which I like so much, even though I don't know you very well.
・I did feel something for you - a kind of connection beyond the normal kind one finds when teaching. I don't know exactly why but I felt something unusual. Sorry to sound so vague, but perhaps you know what I mean. and I was drawn to you.
(you know what i meanというのが、こちらとしては、いやいやわかんないよ!という感じです)
・I would love to hear your voice, just for a few moments.(電話をかけてくれて、私が応答できなかったときに来たメール)
・文末に「Thinking of you」というのは、どういう意味合いが含まれているのかも曖昧。