• 締切済み


頑張ってやってみたんですが 添削をお願いします (1)物の見方を変えれば何事も良くなる If you change the way of looking at things ,everything is going to be better.   (2)彼女は友達との会話に熱中して投函するのを忘れてしまった。 She has forgot to post a letter because she was absorbed in talking with her friend. です。 お願いしますm(__)m また、もっと適切な文があったら教えてほしいです。



There is always hope if you change your point of view. She was so absorbed in talking with her friend that she forgot to post a letter. 夢中は他に hooked on / glued to などですが、もっと他にいい言い方があるかもしれません。

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

(1)物の見方を変えれば何事も良くなる If you change the way of looking at things ,everything is going to be better. Everything changes better once you have new way of looking at things around you. (2)彼女は友達との会話に熱中して投函するのを忘れてしまった。 She has forgot to post a letter because she was absorbed in talking with her friend. です。 She was so busy talking with friends that she forgot to post a letter.