Today I receive your payment by Pay-Pall.
Thank you very much, but I don’t received your order.
I don’t know what is wrong.
So please sent me your order by e-mail, and as soon I received it, I wil sent it to you by priority.
Another problem is you have click on the buttom for shipping the are only for the Netherlands, so your shipping cost are to low.
When I received your order, I go to the postoffice and the can tell me what the shipping cost for your order to Japan.
I will sent you a e-mail what you have pay to low and please will you that also pay by Pay-Pall
Thank you very much
Have a nice weekend.
neminemiさま、おはよう御座います。 ご回答有り難う御座います。 肝心な所が、理解出来てなかったです。 再確認できて、助かりました。 「郵便局で確認」という部分は、拾い切れませんでした… お忙しい所、本当に有り難う御座います。m(__)m