

  • 登録日2014/08/01
  • 性別男性
  • ラムダ式

    ラムダ式のサンプルで以下の2行目と3行目のパターンがあります。 結果は同じなのですが両者に何かに違いはあるのでしょうか。 【ラムダ式のサンプル】 List<String> lists = Arrays.asList("hoge", "fuga", "bar"); lists.stream().forEach(str -> System.out.println(str)); lists.forEach(str -> System.out.println(str));

    • ベストアンサー
    • Java
    • unko347
    • 回答数1
  • java eclipse キーボード入力

    今eclipse javaでキーボード入力のプログラムを作ってるのですが エラーがあって困ってるので誰かご指摘できる方が入ればよろしくお願いします。 以下ソース import java.io.BufferedReader; public class test1 { public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("文字を入力して下さい。"); Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);//エラー箇所「Scanner」二点 String str = scan.next(); System.out.println("最初のトークンは: "+ str); str = scan.next(); System.out.println("次のトークンは : "+ str); } } エラーメッセージは Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: Scanner cannot be resolved to a type Scanner cannot be resolved to a type at test1.main(test1.java:8) エラーメッセージを日本語にすると「筋道の中に例外がある。未解決の編集物が問題」だと勝手に解釈してますがエラー対処がわかる方が入れば何卒よろしくお願いします。 カレントディレクトリは多分 HelloWorld/src/default package/test1です。 他にクラスは今の所ないので何が原因か掴めないでいますので 応えられる方がいればよろしくお願いします。

  • 文字色 エクリプス

    eclipse java 文字色 基本的な事かも知れませんがeclipseにおいて文字に色がつく場合があります。 デフォルトではピンクがきっとeclipse側で用意されてる「予約語」だと思うのですが 茶色、青色は何を指してるのでしょうか? 例えばSystem.out.plintlnのoutは青ですよね? 何か基本的な大間違いしてたらごめんなさい。

    • ベストアンサー
    • Java
  • 三角形オブジェクト

    java 三角形のオブジェクトを作ってる最中なのですが エラーが多くて動きません。 自分が思うには他のクラス(Circle.java,Line.java,Point.java)と連携してないのかなと思ってます。 以下ソースです。 public class Sample70 { public static void main(String[] args) { Point o;//点オブジェクト Line line;//線lineオブジェクト Triangle triangle;//三角形triangleオブジェクト Circle circle;//円circleオブジェクト o = new Point(); line = new Line(); triangle = new Triangle(); circle = new Circle(); o.x = 0; o.y = 0; Point point = new Point(); point.x = 2; point.y = 3; line.p0 = point; point = new Point(); point.x = 4; point.y = 9; line.p1 = point; triangle.p0 = new Point(); triangle.p0.x = 3; triangle.p0.y = 9; triangle.p1 = new Point(); triangle.p1.x = 4; triangle.p1.y = 3; triangle.p2 = new Point(); triangle.p2.x = 4; triangle.p2.y = 6; circle.p0 = new Point(); circle.p0.x = 10; circle.p0.y = 10; circle.r = 1; System.out.println(o.x); System.out.println(line.p0.y); System.out.println(line.p1.x); System.out.println(triangle.p2.y); System.out.println(circle.r); } } エラーメッセージは Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: x cannot be resolved or is not a field y cannot be resolved or is not a field x cannot be resolved or is not a field y cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field x cannot be resolved or is not a field y cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p2 cannot be resolved or is not a field p2 cannot be resolved or is not a field p2 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field r cannot be resolved or is not a field x cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p2 cannot be resolved or is not a field r cannot be resolved or is not a field at Sample70.main(Sample70.java:14) 多分フィールドがないよという意味なのかも知れませんが 中々実行がうまくいかず困ってます。 駄目出しで良いのでご教授頂ければと思います。 http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/0503/19/news020_2.html

    • ベストアンサー
    • Java
  • 三角形オブジェクト

    java 三角形のオブジェクトを作ってる最中なのですが エラーが多くて動きません。 自分が思うには他のクラス(Circle.java,Line.java,Point.java)と連携してないのかなと思ってます。 以下ソースです。 public class Sample70 { public static void main(String[] args) { Point o;//点オブジェクト Line line;//線lineオブジェクト Triangle triangle;//三角形triangleオブジェクト Circle circle;//円circleオブジェクト o = new Point(); line = new Line(); triangle = new Triangle(); circle = new Circle(); o.x = 0; o.y = 0; Point point = new Point(); point.x = 2; point.y = 3; line.p0 = point; point = new Point(); point.x = 4; point.y = 9; line.p1 = point; triangle.p0 = new Point(); triangle.p0.x = 3; triangle.p0.y = 9; triangle.p1 = new Point(); triangle.p1.x = 4; triangle.p1.y = 3; triangle.p2 = new Point(); triangle.p2.x = 4; triangle.p2.y = 6; circle.p0 = new Point(); circle.p0.x = 10; circle.p0.y = 10; circle.r = 1; System.out.println(o.x); System.out.println(line.p0.y); System.out.println(line.p1.x); System.out.println(triangle.p2.y); System.out.println(circle.r); } } エラーメッセージは Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: x cannot be resolved or is not a field y cannot be resolved or is not a field x cannot be resolved or is not a field y cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field x cannot be resolved or is not a field y cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p2 cannot be resolved or is not a field p2 cannot be resolved or is not a field p2 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field r cannot be resolved or is not a field x cannot be resolved or is not a field p0 cannot be resolved or is not a field p1 cannot be resolved or is not a field p2 cannot be resolved or is not a field r cannot be resolved or is not a field at Sample70.main(Sample70.java:14) 多分フィールドがないよという意味なのかも知れませんが 中々実行がうまくいかず困ってます。 駄目出しで良いのでご教授頂ければと思います。 http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/0503/19/news020_2.html

    • ベストアンサー
    • Java